
The order of publications per year are provided as research papers in SCI journals, review papers, book chapters, full texts in conference proceedings.

Review Papers

1. Georgiadou EC, Manganaris GA, Fotopoulos V. The diverse roles of vitamin E, its occurrence and regulation in different plant tissues | Zróżnicowane znaczenie witaminy E, jej występowanie oraz funkcje regulacyjne w różnych tkankach roślinnych. Zywnosc. Nauka. Technologia. Jakosc/Food. Science Technology. Quality, 2020, 27, 113-126.

2. Minas IS, Manganaris GA. Actinidia: Concorrenza greca in aumento con le migliorate tecniche post-raccolta. Rivista di Frutticoltura 2019, 7, 28-34.

3. Fellman JK, Michailides TJ, Manganaris GA. Biochemical description of fresh produce quality factors. Stewart Postharvest Review 2013, 3:2.

4. Goulas V, Charisiadis P, Gerothanassis IP, Manganaris, GA. Classification, biotransformation and antioxidant activity of olive fruit biophenols: a review. Current Bioactive Compounds, 2012, 8, 232-239.

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5. Michailides TJ, Manganaris GA. Harvesting and handling effects on postharvest decay. Stewart Postharvest Review 2009, 5, 1-7(7).

6. Manganaris GA, Vicente AR, Crisosto CH. Effect of preharvest and postharvest conditions and treatments on plum fruit quality. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition & Natural Resources 2008, 3, No. 009, pp. 10.

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