
Prof. John Fellman

Honorary Member, Fulbright Senior Scholar 2013, CUT

Prof. John Fellman has a Ph.D. in Biochemistry (1982, University of Idaho) and currently he is Professor of Postharvest Physiology (since 2002) in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture in Washington State University. Principal duties include research (65%) directed toward investigations of postharvest phenomena in perishable commodities; undergraduate and graduate instruction (35%). Research adviser of 13 doctoral and 11 master’s students completed to date in his program. He has a total of 76 publications and he received multiple awards (50 since 2000).

Professional Experience:

  • Visiting Professor and Fulbright Senior Scholar 2013, Cyprus University of Technology
  • Professor of Postharvest Physiology 2002-present, Washington State University
  • Associate Professor of Postharvest Physiology, 1995-2002, Washington State University
  • Associate Professor of Postharvest Physiology, 1993-1995, University of Idaho
  • Assistant Professor of Postharvest Physiology, 1988-1993, University of Idaho
  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Washington State University, 1990-1995
  • Research Chemist, Tree Fruit Research Laboratory, 1987-88, USDA/ARS Wenatchee, WA

Research Program: Postharvest physiology, biochemistry of secondary metabolism in fruits and vegetables. Research also focuses on the metabolism leading to apple scald and other oxidative stress phenomena affecting retention of postharvest quality of pome fruit, asparagus harvesting and quality, postharvest physiology of cherry, and wine and wine grape chemistry.; developing robust methods to profile flavor volatiles and phenolics in grape berries and wines produced in Washington, relationship between flavor compound content/sensory impact to facilitate studies concerning the effects of genotype, cultural practices, maturity and postharvest handling on flavor perception in raspberries, apples, and pears, and sweet cherries.

Marina Christofi

Post-doctoral researcher

Marina Christofi finished her undergraduate studies in Biochemistry from University of Essex and her postgraduate studies in Environmental and Energy Engineering from University of Sheffield. This combination allowed her to have a broad knowledge around the fields of Life Science, Chemical and Biological Engineering. During her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, the final year research projects were implicated with Molecular Biology and Biological Engineering, respectively. In addition to her postgraduate taught course, she had the opportunity to specialize and develop knowledge with a professional training course in Environmental Engineering. After her studies, Marina worked as environmental consultant in London, where she carried out the safety of water systems assessing the risk. In Cyprus, she had the chance to gain work experience as a laboratory assistant in chemical analysis of food, water and waste products. Currently, she is working at Cyprus University of Technology as a researcher, undertaking the qualitative analysis of fruits appraising the biochemical and physical properties. The PhD dissertation of Marina dealt with the effect of canning process on textural properties, sensorial attributes and bioactive content of non-melting peach cultivars and has led to the publication of three research papers in refereed journals. In addition, Marina has acquired broad knowledge and expertise in an array of state-of-the-art analytical approaches as well as in the development of protocols related to textural and sensorial properties.

Andrea Pavlou

Post-doctoral researcher

Dr Andrea Pavlou is currently a postdoctoral research associate at the Department of Agricultural Science, Biotechnology and Food Science of the Cyprus University of Technology working on the integration of chemical analysis into the Cypriot agri-food sector. She has previously held the position of research expert at the State General Laboratory (SGL) Cyprus - Food Authenticity NMR Laboratory, as part of the Interreg V-A Greece-Cyprus project “AGROFOOD: Authenticity identification and competitiveness enhancement of local traditional products of the agri-food sector”, applying isotopic, spectroscopic and elemental analysis for the characterization and validation of authenticity of Cypriot honeys, wines and wine derived products. She has a PhD in Biophysical Chemistry from the University of Cyprus (UCY), where she was awarded a Young Researcher Grant, PENEK, for her doctorate project (RPF Framework 2009-2010).She has recently completed a 3-year post-doctoral researcher post in the Molecular Biomimetic Chemistry - Photosynthesis group at Ångströ􏰢m Laboratory of Uppsala University (UU) in Sweden. She has a specialization on photosynthesis research, and specifically on the combined use of biochemical (membrane protein isolation and purification), physiological (amperometric oxygen evolution measurement, chlorophyll concentration determination), laser (pulsed Nd:YAG, continuous wave laser diodes) and spectroscopic techniques (FTIR, TRS2-FTIR, low temperature EPR, Time-resolved EPR, fluorescence, thermoluminescence, and UV/Vis etc.) to monitor the photochemistry of Photosystem II in hydroponically home-grown spinach, under various light wavelength (532nm-750nm), temperature (RT-77K) and other non-physiological conditions. In addition, she is an expert in biochemical processes, qualitative/quantitative analysis of spectroscopic data, and reaction progress kinetic analysis. Her research until now has resulted in 8 publications in high impact peer-reviewed journals and it has been presented as oral and poster presentations in many conferences internationally.

Epifanios Efstathiou

MSc student (2018-2020)

Epifanios Efstathiou has successfully accomplished his BSc in Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology and Food Science, specializing on Plant Production, at Cyprus University of Technology with distinction. He practiced in the CUT Fruit Science Lab to elaborate his thesis on the physiological disorder of purple spot on different loquat cultivars as an undergraduate researcher. He subsequently followed with scholarship the Plant Biotechnology Master program at CUT. His thesis dealt with the effect of commercial formulations of bio-stimulants on yield performance, qualitative attributes and postharvest performance of loquat fruit. He has worked at several private enterprises and he is currently Chief Agronomist in Alion company.

Margarita Hadjipieri

PhD Student (2015-2020)

Margarita Hadjipieri holds a position as an Officer of Agriculture in the District Agricultural Office of Limassol. She is responsible for the Deciduous Section in the Limassol District as well as the Land and Water Use Department for the Limassol District. She holds a Bachelor of Agriculture in the Direction of Fruit Trees, Horticulture, and Vines of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Agriculture, School of Geotechnical Sciences. She also holds an MSc degree in Environmental Management (Pollution Control) of the School of Education, Health and Science, University of Derby. She received her PhD at the Cyprus University of Technology. Her dissertation entitled “The effect of pre- and postharvest factors on qualitative attributes, phytochemical properties and incidence of physiological disorders in loquat fruit” resulted in the publication of 4 research papers in referred journals.

Prof. Ariel Vicente

Status: Contract External partner (2012)

Agronomic Engineer University of La Plata, Master in Plant Biology University of California Davis USA, PhD in Biochemistry University of La Plata, Argentina. Postdoctoral Scholar University of Agronomic Engineer University of La Plata, Master in Plant Biology University of California Davis USA, PhD in Biochemistry University of La Plata, Argentina. Postdoctoral Scholar University of California Davis USA. Current positions: Assistant Professor University of La Plata Argentina and Independent Researcher of CONICET, Argentina. Author of several publications in Postharvest Technology, Food Sciences and Biochemistry. Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Experimental Botany, UK. Reviewer for more than 30 Journals in the areas of Postharvest Technology, Plant Biology and Food Science. His group is interested in the evaluation of cell wall metabolism of fruits and vegetables associated with fruit ripening or storage disorders. His work also deals with the evaluation of hormonal and UV-C, ozone and heat treatments to reduce spoilage, maintain quality and prevent physiological disorders in fruits and vegetables.

Dr. Vlasios Goulas

Status: Post-doctoral researcher (2010-2012)

Vlasios Goulas received his bachelor degree from the University of Ioannina, Department of Chemistry, majoring in the field of ‘Food Chemistry’. He was awarded his PhD degree in 2009 after completing his thesis entitled ‘Development of hyphenated LC-NMR techniques for the exploitation of bioactive components in nature products’. His scientific interests include the development of novel methodologies for the rapid phytochemical analysis of fruits and vegetables, the evaluation of antioxidant potential of natural products.

Dr. Goulas was hired as post-doctoral research associate during the period 2010-2012 and initially we set up a number of experimental protocols dealing with qualitative and phytochemical properties of fresh produce. Such protocols have already been applied and results have been disseminated in refereed journals, either autonomously as CUT or through synergies with other Universities/Institutions. Overall, as post-doctoral researcher at CUT FruitSciences/Postharvest Group and later on as Special Teaching Staff at CUT we have disseminated 16 publications in refereed journals.

Savvas Constantinou

Status: PhD Student (2013-2018)

Savvas Constantinou was born in Limassol, Cyprus in 1979. Ηe holds an Oenology degree, an MBA and currently is a PhD candidate at Cyprus University of Technology. Since 2008, he works as Officer at public sector of Cyprus, while previously worked as Winemaker at local wineries. Nowadays, he is head of Inspection Sector of Wines and Spirits of Department of Agriculture and at the same time participates in various bodies of European Union, as well in various committees of the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV). For several years he was member of the organizing committee of the Cyprus Wine Competition and additionally he is participating as a Juror in local and international wine competitions. The period 2011-14 he was appointed by the Council of Ministers as a member of the Wines Expert Committee. His research interest includes the development of innovative grape dehydration process, as well as the quantitative and qualitative analysis of various characteristics of the Cypriot wine with Protected Designation of Origin “Commanadaria”.

Dr. Anastasis Christou

Status: PhD student (2009-2013)

Anastasis Christou holds a position of an Agricultural Research Officer in the Cyprus Agricultural Research Institute, in The Department of Soil Sciences. His research interests focus on the appraisal of the impacts of long term wastewater reuse for irrigation on the environment and public health, with emphasis on heavy metal accumulation in soil and the agricultural produce, as well as the fate of emerging micro pollutant in treated wastewater, such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, pesticides and other compounds of emerging concern (CECs), in the environment. He completed undergraduate studies in the Faculty of Agriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Department of Plant Protection), while he holds an MSc degree (MSc in Horticulture) from the University of Reading. He holds a PhD degree from the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) and his dissertation work was titled ‘’ Priming with signalling molecules for the enhancement of strawberry plants’ tolerance to multiple abiotic stress factors’’. An array of potential priming agents has been examined, including nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen sulfide. Pretreatment was carried out in a hydroponic cultivation system, while plants were subsequently exposed to a multitude of abiotic stress factors including salinity (NaCl), hyperosmotic stress (PEG), heat and heavy metals. Pretreatment with NO and hydrogen peroxide resulted in the mitigation of NaCl stress, while hydrogen sulfide protected plants against subsequent NaCl, PEG and heat stress. A combinatorial physiological, biochemical and molecular approach was employed for the examination of factors such as physiological parameters (e.g. transpiration and chlorophyll fluorescence), cellular damage indicators (e.g. lipid peroxidation, ion leakage), reactive oxygen & nitrogen species content, ascorbate and glutathione redox state, as well as gene expression of several components including the SOS (salt-overly-sensitive) pathway, AsA/GSH biosynthesis, antioxidants, HSPs etc.

Dr. Ioannis Minas

Status: Contract Research Associate (2012)

Ioannis Minas received his bachelor degree from ARistotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Agriculture. He succesfully defended his MSc thesis on 18 January 2010. (Thesis title: The effect of ozone on postharvest performance of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa, cv. ‘Hayward’) and the development of gray mold). He was awarded the PhD degree after sucessfully defending his disseration on Febnruary 28, 2014 titled ‘The effect of ozone, ethylene and 1-MCP on postharvest performance of kiwifruit’. Dr. Minas is currently Assistant Professor at Colorado State University.

Panayiotis Kourdoulas

Status: MSc student (2012-2014)

Panagiotis Kourdoulas has received a bachelor degree from the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology & Food Science at Cyprus University of Technology, majoring in Plant Sciences (2008-2012). He continued his post-graduate studies in the same University in the field of Plant Biotechnology. His scientific interests include the quality evaluation of fleshy fruits with the use of physiological and biochemical and phytochemical approaches. To date Panos is co-author of 3 publications in referrred journals. He is currently working on a private company (Tsakistos) dealing with citrus and pomegranate and olive production.

Georgios Sismanidis

Status: MSc student (2015-2017)

George received his Bachelor of Science in Management of Plant production, Plant protection and Environment from the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. His diploma Thesis was “The effect of two boron forms in the growth and chemical composition in two different deciduous rootstocks”. He is currently an MSc student in the field of Plant Biotechnology at the Cyprus University of Technology. His research interests include the effect of 1-MCP on fruits, their storage in Controlled and Modified Atmospheres and the determination of qualitative characteristics in fresh commodities.

Featured undergraduate students

Diamando Kokkinou

Diamando Kokkinou , born in Pafos, is a highly aspiring early stage researcher, passionate about research in the viniviticultural sector. During her undergraduate thesis, she became familiar with laboratory techniques and chemical analysis, such as determination of (1) polyphenol content, (2) polyphenol index, (3) phenolic Content with Waterman and Mole's assay, (4) total flavonoid content by aluminium chloride method, (5) catechin content with vanillin method.

Maria Theodorou

Maria received her 4-year Bachelor degree with distinction in June 2013 from the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology & Food Sciences at Cyprus University of Technology. During her undergraduate studies, she was awarded a prize after scoring third during her undergraduate studies. She additionally carried out a 6-week (June-July 2012) internship in the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute in Chania/ Department of Horticultural Genetics & Biotechnology under the supervision of Dr. Panos Kalaitzis and was acquainted with several molecular methods. During her bachelor dissertation thesis (‘Quality characteristics, phytochemical properties and antioxidant capacity of pomegranate fruits, Woderful cultivar’, Supervisor: Dr. George Manganaris) she demonstrated proven ability to carry out independently an array of methods dealing with the determination of the qualitative profile and phytochemical content of fresh produce. She received a mobility grant, in the form of a short term scientific mission under the COST action FA1106 during the period 10-23/07/2013 at INRA Institute/Bordeaux. She is currently following an MSc program.

Fedon Makris

He received his 4-year Bachelor degree with distinction in June 2013 from the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology & Food Sciences at Cyprus University of Technology. During his undergraduate studies, he was awarded many Departmental/Institutional awards after scoring first during the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of his undergraduate studies. He additionally carried out a 6-week (June-July 2012) internship in the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute in Chania/ Department of Horticultural Genetics & Biotechnology under the supervision of Dr. Panos Kalaitzis and was acquainted with several molecular methods. During his bachelor dissertation thesis (‘Postharvest behiavor, phytochemical and qualitative properties of Fuji apple cultivars’, Supervisor: Dr, George Manganaris) he demonstrated proven ability to carry out independently an array of methods dealing with the determination of the qualitative profile and phytochemical content of fresh produce. He received a mobility grant, in the form of a short term scientific mission under the COST action FA1106 during the period 10-23/07/2013 at INRA Institute/Bordeaux. He is currently following an MSc program.

Melpomeni Siakou

Melpo received a Bachelor degree in Crop Technology in 2013 from the Cyprus University of Technology. Her BSc thesis was entitled “Quality characteristics of Citrus fruits grown in Cyprus”, working at the CUT Fruit Sciences/Postharvest Group, under the supervision of Dr. Manganaris. She holds a Master of Science degree in Plant Sciences - Greenhouse Horticulture, obtained in 2015 from Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Her MSc thesis was entitled “Influence of light quality on morphology, flower and tuber formation of the potato plant”. Since 2017, she has been working as a research assistant/PhD student in the Water Research Centre of The Cyprus Institute. Her PhD is based on efficient agricultural water management in orchards.

Konstantinos Charilaou

Konstantinos was an active member of CUT fruit Sciences/Postharvest Group as undergraduate student (2013-2014), working on qualitative and phytochemical properties of apple fruits. After completing his Bachelor studies, he followed a Master of Science Programe in Viticulture at Agricultural University of Athens (Greece). He is currently the Head Viticulturist of Dafermos Winery.

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