Emerging food processing technologies towards production of added value peach products
Costas Biliaderis is an Emeritus Professor in Food Chemistr-Food Physics of Aristotle University (AUTh), Thessaloniki, Greece. His research interests include the chemistry and physical chemistry of polymeric food carbohydrates (plant and microbial origin), processing and storage effects on texture and stability of food products and their constituents, the physical chemistry and properties of food dispersions (o/w) with engineered interfaces, structured delivery systems as well as the development of functional foods (product design and stability issues of food bioactives). Prof. Biliaderis was named as ‘highly cited researcher’ by ISI-Thomson Scientific (2003) for his published research works (more than 15,000 citations, h-index 72, Web of Science, 2021), and received several awards for his achievements in research, teaching, and scholarly works (Univ. of Manitoba, AUTh, Purdue University in US, etc.).